
Tobacco Harm Reduction RESET: Save Lives Through Sound Regulation

There are 1,1 billion smokers worldwide and combustible tobacco products continue to kill more than 8 million of its consumers per year. Although most smokers want to quit, only 4% succeed. For those adult smokers who are unwilling or unable to quit smoking, non-combustible, nicotine-based alternative products now offer a "fire-escape". These products represent "Harm reduction strategies", envisioned in Article 1(d) of the WHO's Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC). What are the regulatory hurdles to accelerating tobacco harm reduction, as adjuvant to tobacco control? What regulatory principles need to be established, scaled and leveraged to save more lives of adult smokers? How can we harness harm reduction innovation to make preventive tobacco control more efficient, and free up resources for global healthcare?

We were joined for a virtual dialogue by a distinguished panel of harm reduction experts;

Prof. Heino Stöver of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences Dr. Derek Yach: former Director of WHO and global health consultant

The RESET framework was discussed by the panel. The below information shines some light on what exactly this framework entails:

R = Risk - based regulation (labelling, packaging, promotion)

E = Ensuring intended use (prevent youth access, safety)

S = Safety and Quality (ingredients, product standards, testing + conformity with chemical and electronic regulation)

E = Environmental Considerations (lifecycle of ENDS, regulating environmental impact, align with ESG standards)

T = Traceability and Fiscal Policies (regulation ensuring product authenticity throughout supply chain, risk-proportionate fiscal polices)

The webinar recording can be seen here.

further reading